Pixel Craft 2

Pixel Craft 2

Pixel Craft 2 game is a 3D first-person point of view adventure game in which you are born in a prepared world and you try to design this world however you want. Pick the tool or block you want to use and start building!

Move: "W,A,S,D"
Up/Down: "Q,E"
Select block: "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8"
Pause and Key info: "P"
Hit block: "LEFT-CLICK"
Create block: "RIGHT-CLICK"
Rotate block: "R"
Fly mode: "F"
Build mode: "B"
Crouch: "C"
Torch: "L"
Throw a ball: "R"
Summon deer: "Y"
Place brick: "X"
Interact: "T"
Throw: "G"
Open block list: "TAB"
Console: "H"